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Aromatic Candles
Aromatic Candles
Aromatic Candles
Aromatic Candles

Finding Your Purpose in Ministry

We believe we are a life-giving multicultural church and our goal is to infuse life and God's love into people and families through engaging powerful worship services that offer truth in relevant and practical ways.

We believe together we're striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there's relevant teaching, worship, honest friendship, and compassionate care for those in need.

We want to believe that Restoration Worship Temple has the kind of contagious Christianity that can influence and encourage the entire community--one life at a time.

We believe if you are checking out the 'church scene' and investigating the claims of Jesus Christ, thank you for allowing us to help you in your search. Alternatively, if you are a committed Christ-follower who wants to sink the roots of your faith even deeper, you can find a home here at Restoration Worship Temple.



Find Your Purpose and join us!

administation ministry

Administration Ministry


Church  Clerk and Trustees 


With God on our minds and in our hearts, we the church clerk and trustees serve the congregation at Restoration Worship Temple by ensuring the administrative needs of the church body are fulfilled as needed. We're here to help with scheduling of events, routine office matters, and ensuring the finances of the church are secured. 

Education Ministry


Our Education Ministry has been established to edify God's people each week. Our Children's Church teaches youth about God and his son Jesus Christ in a way that edifies their developing mind and spirit. Our Sunday School classes are essential to the continued spiritual growth of each member of RWT, and our New Disciples class teaches the true meaning of a relationship with God and  what he has called us to do as we walk with him 

practicing biblical hospitality

Men for Christ Ministry


The Men for Christ at Restoration Worship Temple are a group of dedicated souls who believe in the Word of God;  and we believe Jesus Christ lived, died, and resurrected because he is the Savior for the world. We work together in Christ to serve the members of our church and the community. 





christian education

Hospitality Ministry


Culinary Team, Junior  and  Senior Usher  Board


As members of the Hospitality Ministry, our job is to ensure the needs of the members of Restoration Worship Temple and visitors are met. From the time you enter the sanctuary to the meals we prepare, we are here to extend a helping hand and provide a nutritious meal. 


men's ministry
media ministry

Multi-Media Ministry

Audio Visual  and  Printing and Reproduction


In the Media Ministry, we use 21st-century technology to ensure the sermons, which are preached by Pastor Ellison are disseminated throughout the congregation and to the public-at-large. We use this technology to print and reproduce the sermons and events, so the Word of God can be heard beyond these four walls. 

Music Ministry


Members of the Music Ministry are talented and gifted men and women who sing praises unto God every Sunday morning. They love the Lord and love to sing for his glory.  The ministry includes the praise team and choirs. 



Music Ministry banner
join our women's ministry

Women for Christ Ministry



The Women for Christ at Restoration Worship Temple are lovers of Lord and take their work for Christ seriously. These women are dedicated to learning more about the Word of God and serving Him. They work together in Christ to serve the members of our church and the community. 


Outreach Ministry


At RWT, our Outreach Ministry is focused on the work, which must be done beyond the four walls of the edifice we call 'Restoration Worship Temple.'  We focus on the church and the community as a whole. Part of this ministry includes:   

Visitation of the sick and shut-in;  

Providing Transportation for our members; and 



outreach ministry
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